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I was born under summer sun in the desert city of Yuma Arizona USA. Yuma AZ is the sunniest place on Earth and is home to the busiest air station in the United States Marine Corps. At the time of my birth the temperature was 101 degrees. My first name (Stephanie) is derived from the Greek word Στέφανος, which means "crown".
Life Path Number:
The Leader
From the start, I naturally gravitated towards a few specific things. One of them was the stage. As a child, this pull to perform manifested as a successful streak winning pageants. I remember enjoying pageants and I thought it was cool I was good at them. Crown or not however, from the start, I have always known I am a Queen.
Destiny Number:
The Lightning Rod
When we are all born, the sun, the moon, planets and stars are uniquely positioned across the celestial heavens above. Each astronomical object and it's position together paint a blueprint of our soul imprinted in the sky.
When I was born, the sun was in Leo; a fire sign ruled by the sun itself and marked by the symbol of a fearless lion. The moon was in Aries. Also a fire sign, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of energy and drive. In mythology, Mars was the god of war. The sign on the 1st house cusp was in Capricorn; a persevering power sign symbolized as the goat of the zodiac.
For those curious, years ago Mufasa came to be a nickname spun from a phonetic similarity to my surname. I enjoyed the synchronicity.
It is a pleasure to meet you.
pro·gram·mat·ic ad·ver·tis·ing
// the use of automated, data-driven processes to buy, sell and algorithmically optimize media.
pro·gram·mat·ic ad·ver·tis·ing
// the use of automated, data-driven processes to buy, sell and algorithmically optimize media.
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